Reasons for resolutions:
1. Tired of the same ole' stuff on different days.
2. We feel fat.
3. It's time for a "new" you.
4. The idea of change is appealing.
5. You want to spice up your life…just like the Spice Girls recommend.
Reasons for not dominating resolutions:
1. It's hard.
We have an entire year to accomplish a resolution, but we give up before January even ends. Why make yourself a promise just to break it and hurt your own feelings? Don't disappoint yourself at the beginning of the year….there's a whole year to do that. Hell, there's an entire life waiting to slap you with disappointment. I say bahumbug to that, and I will slap disappointment right back with a handful of awesome.
The whole key to making a resolution, which is also a goal, is to choose something that is 50% challenging and 50% realistic. If I made a resolution to lose 30 pounds, that would be unrealistic considering how much I love mexican food and wine (not together). Last year's resolution was to live a healthier lifestyle which included exercise and NO fast food.
I didn't start my resolution until April 1, 2013. Better late than never! Now, I am 10 pounds down, workout 5 days a week, only enter the Dunkin' Donuts drive threw for a small breakfast (occasionally), have less jiggle and body dimples, and don't eat French fries anymore. It sucked, and it was hard. But that's the challenge. I kept it realistic. I didn't make a weightless goal (avoided disappointment). I just wanted to feel better…everything else was a bonus.
The thing about a resolution is that it's not a short term thing. Once you do it so much, it will become normal, a new habit per say. This is something that can change your life. It's meant to change your life. That's the point of a resolution. There's no deadline (unless you make one), so the hardest part is actually starting. I say, "do it to it." But Nike would say, "Just do it."
I swore that I was avoiding resolutions this year. I failed. I made one definite one.
I feel like I do this on a regular basis, but I can improve. This blog is part of it. Another part is telling the ones I love that I love them regularly. I may begin to smother them, just cause I can.
What's your resolution for 2014? How will you improve yourself and the world around you starting in 2014?
Way to go Ashley. We love your post.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the support Cedarwood gals! :)